Course Description
To operate effectively in international markets, leaders must possess essential skills and experience, including an awareness of the impact of cultural diversity, the challenges of international leadership, and the challenges of cross-border operational communications.
Over the course of one academic year, our MA International Business Management students will receive advanced tuition through studying topics critical to the success of managing international business, including Assembling and Managing High-Performance Teams across Cultures, International Entrepreneurship and Innovation, International Business Research, and International Digital Marketing.
Students must read from relevant academic sources appropriate to postgraduate study, including journal articles, recommended texts, and industry publications. Students work autonomously and interactively (within groups) on exercises to develop skills to demonstrate progress at the Master’s level. The College’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), with access to study materials, lecture handouts, and additional information related to their course, also provides flexibility for students to engage in off-site learning. Additionally, formative and summative assessment tasks enhance opportunities for learning. These typically include, but are not restricted to, research, critical analysis, ethical approaches, systematic problem solving, presentations, teamwork and academic, personal and employability skills development.
Awarding Body
Course Structure/Unit
Level 7 September Entry (Full-Time) – 12 Months
Semester 1 (September-January) |
Semester 2 (February-June) |
Assembling and Managing High-Performance Teams across Cultures |
Semester 3 (June -September) |
Level 7 January Entry (Full-Time) – 12 Months
Semester 1 (February-June) |
Semester 2 (June-October) |
International Digital Marketing |
Business Research and Study Skills |
Managerial Applications of Finance in the Global Economy |
Assembling and Managing High-Performance Teams across Cultures |
International Entrepreneurship and Innovation |
Transformation and Change Leadership in a Global Context |
Semester 3 (November-February) |
International Business Research Project |
Entry Requirements
A good honours degree (minimum 2:2) in a relevant subject discipline. Candidates with other qualifications may be considered in exceptional circumstances. Students who’s medium of study at degree level qualification is not English are required to produce evidence of English language proficiency at IELTS 6.0 (with 5.5 in each component) or equivalent.
A range of assessment methods, including essays, reports, portfolios, case studies, infographic creation, and oral presentations appropriate to postgraduate study, are used to measure student performance academically and in relation to life and work experiences. Further information on the assessment weighting can be found in the course and module specifications.
Other Information
Delivery Method:
Online Teaching with Periodic Campus Attendance
Online learning will include weekly three-hour sessions (morning and afternoon) for each module, comprising Lectures, tailored instructional videos, Interactive exercises, Case Studies, and Online discussions guided by Academic Support Tutors.
All relevant lecture materials and additional resources will be uploaded to your Virtual Online Learning Environment (VLE).
On-Campus Classes: Classes and seminars are designed to consolidate your knowledge and understanding, share your professional experience, and challenge your ideas to apply to real-world cases.
*A class timetable will be available at your course interview for further discussion.
Weekend Schools: You will also be required to attend one Weekend School per Semester.
Course duration: Full-time: 1 year
Course location:
Gants Hill Campus
Commercial House, 406-410 Eastern Avenue
Ilford, Essex, IG2 6NQ